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Paseo Montjuic, número 30 - Barcelona (Spain)


+39 06 8773 8747

GRC Red Teaming

Evolvere con DORA TLPT: dalla conoscenza all’applicazione

PREMESSA Il 27 dicembre 2022 è stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’Unione Europea il Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), Regolamento 2022/2554, con l’obiettivo di stabilire misure e controlli per migliorare la resilienza del settore finanziario. Il Regolamento ha definito ed armonizzato i requisiti di resilienza digitale per tutto il settore finanziario europeo, disciplinando per l’ambito […]

Machine Learning Red Teaming

Offensive Machine Learning – practical introduction

Disclaimer This article is intended to be an introduction to machine learning applied to cybersecurity that is understandable even to those who approach it without a prior knowledge of the subject. In order to show weaknesses not all best practices will be followed and some logical errors will be voluntarily included, including code. Therefore, the […]

Red Teaming

Inside the Mind of a Cyber Attacker: from Malware creation to Data Exfiltration (Part 1)

DISCLAIMER – This article is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The techniques, tools, and examples discussed are intended to promote a better understanding of cybersecurity and to enhance defensive measures. The usage of these techniques should strictly adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines. The author and publisher of this article shall […]