Press - No encryption in Magic Kinder app causes privacy concerns for kids

A lack of encryption in the Magic Kinder App for children has led to severe security and privacy issues.

Read the full article - Hacktive Security discoveries flaw in Ruzzle protocol that menaces user’s privacy

Researchers at Hacktive Security, an independent security consulting company, have demonstrated how much insidious could be a so a simple and crimeless large scale application. We are in the digital era, everything is connected to the large networks and applications benefit of even more complex devi...

Read the full article - Ruzzle, attenzione alla falla nella chat: rischio intrusione, scoperto da italiani

La vulnerabilità consentiva di rubare l'identità di un qualsiasi utente, permettendo di consultare la lista delle partite giocate, sfidare nuovi contatti, di leggere i messaggi privati scambiati con altri utenti.

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